Right now, artificial intelligence in the field of music is in its infancy, but one day soon, I’m sure, it will catch up. When it reaches the capability to compose classical/art music in any composer’s style or to invent its own harmonic languages or stylistic preferences comparable to what humans are capable of, I don’t think I will want to continue composing my own music anymore. The sacredness, the personal meaning, and the thrill of discovery will be gone.
The AI writing and image applications are getting better every week and my concern is escalating. We will soon abandon teaching the next generation how to outline an argument, how to read the treble clef, or how to sketch an apple with a 2B pencil. Instead, everyone will get a subscription and a button to click. We will usher in a Renaissance of the illiterate, drowning in the vomit of the machines.
Enclosed: an AI-generated image from the prompt “a pile of worms and insects falling out of a glass jar.”